Thursday, May 28, 2009

a roadshow

Last Saturday,

My brothers and i went to a roadshow with my grandmother who was on duty at Tao Payoh. There were many booths about nature.My grandmother works at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve.We (the visitors) were given a piece of paper to get six stamps so that we can try to win ourselves something at the lucky draw booth.If we want a stamp,at every booth we are surppose to answer a question.We can also do the activities at the booth.There are many informations about animals,corals and many more.I saw a preserved died dugong,monkey,carbs and many more.there were games lik memory game, puzzle games and you can even make your own animal with recycled materials that was given to us. we can colour pictures of different types of birds. After that, we ate at the food center and went home.